5 common mistakes people make with their fridge
It is a common practice for many people to stuff their grocery haul into the fridge and call it a day. While stocking a fridge is quick and easy, this approach can do more harm than good. It can increase the risk of food spoilage and hamper the optimal functioning of the fridge. To ensure the appliance’s durability and lower the risk of food spoilage, avoid these common mistakes people often make with their fridge.
Not making the most of the fridge space
A common problem many face is that the fridge space is not enough to store everything they want. But if one looks closely, they will find many things inside the fridge that have eaten up some necessary space—for instance, bottles of expired sauces or juice boxes and yogurt tubs that have gone bad. A common mistake many people commit is forgetting to declutter their fridge, making it difficult for them to make the most of the available space.
Keeping the temperature too high or too low
It is important to set the fridge temperature at the correct level depending on the weather conditions. For instance, the fridge temperature can be at the lower end during warm and hot months and towards the higher end during colder months. In general, the temperature of the fridge can be between 35 and 38 degrees F.
Not cleaning the fridge regularly
Another common mistake one may make with their fridge is not cleaning it often. Keeping all the drawers, shelves, and walls of the fridge completely clean is crucial. It is recommended to spot clean the fridge at least once a week and deep clean it about once a month. Any spills or drips must be cleaned immediately to lower the risk of odors and bacterial growth. Also, make sure to defrost the fridge at regular intervals. Moreover, ensure that the defrosted water is drained without any accumulation in any part of the fridge.
Keeping warm leftover food in the fridge
Storing leftover food in the fridge is a good idea to prevent it from spoiling. But not waiting for the food to cool down before placing it in the fridge is a mistake that must be avoided at all times. This is because keeping warm food in the fridge will raise the overall temperature inside the appliance. Further, it will trigger bacterial growth and increase the risk of spoilage of the leftover food as well as other items in the fridge.