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7 signs of high blood sugar

7 signs of high blood sugar

When one has too much glucose in the body, it is known as hyperglycemia. It generally occurs when there is too little insulin in the body or when the present insulin cannot be used effectively. This condition commonly affects people with type-1 and type-2 diabetes. However, it may also affect people who have recently had a stroke, heart attack, or severe infection. Here are some common early signs of high blood sugar one should know about:

Frequent urination
High blood sugar levels in the body cause the kidneys to filter out excess sugar from the blood. This increases one’s urge to urinate, particularly at night.

Increased thirst (polydipsia)
Increased urination causes the loss of additional water in the body, which may make one feel dehydrated and thirstier than usual.

Increased hunger
Often, people with diabetes cannot get enough energy from their food. This increases their urge to eat more often.

A lack of energy causes people to feel tired constantly.

High blood sugar levels may cause shifts in the levels of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which may trigger headaches in some people.

Blurred vision
Excessive sugar in the bloodstream can also damage blood vessels in the eyes, affecting one’s vision. It may cause swelling in the eye lens, which may affect vision temporarily, but will subside once blood sugar levels reduce. When left untreated, however, high blood sugar levels may eventually lead to permanent vision loss.

Itchy infections
Excessive sugar in the blood and urine becomes a feeding ground for yeast. A disturbed balance of one’s microbiome could lead to yeast infections around the mouth, genital areas, and armpits. These infections are generally itchy but may also cause a burning sensation, skin discoloration, or soreness.

When one experiences hyperglycemia over a longer period, they may also experience vaginal yeast infections, skin infections, and slow-healing cuts and wounds. If hyperglycemia is left untreated, it may even lead to diabetes-related ketoacidosis, which may prove fatal. Symptoms of ketoacidosis include nausea, vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, fruity-smelling breath, deep labored breathing, hyperventilation, rapid heartbeat, confusion, disorientation, and even a loss of consciousness.

Individuals at risk of diabetes can make lifestyle changes, including cutting down on foods rich in sugars. If one enjoys chewing gum, one can switch to sugarless options, like those with an ingredient called xylitol. These are generally safer alternatives to sugar-rich choices. One should also speak to their healthcare professional before making any such changes to ensure they have no side effects.

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