Avoid these 6 foods to manage bronchitis symptoms
Bronchitis is when the bronchial tubes that carry air to the lungs get infected or swollen. It can lead to coughing, throat ache, increased mucus production, and general cold-like symptoms like body aches or chills. Bronchitis is mostly caused by viruses that do not respond to treatment, so patients often have to wait to feel better. However, symptoms can be managed by eating right. So, here are six foods to avoid when affected by bronchitis:
Foods rich in sodium
Sodium causes water retention, leading to shortness of breath in people with lung diseases such as bronchitis. This includes the food’s natural sodium content, as well as any added salt (by itself or in condiments and dressings). To limit sodium intake, one should cut back on salty foods and seasonings. One should also check the labels before buying a food item to confirm that the product doesn’t contain more than 300 milligrams of salt per serving. One can choose herbs and spices instead of sauces to reduce salt and keep food flavorful.
Dairy products
When dairy products are broken down for digestion, an exorphin called casomorphin is released, which has been linked to the production of thicker mucus. This can cause irritation in people with bronchitis. It can also enhance symptoms like coughing, causing more wheezing or pain. Instead of dairy, one should opt for plant-based alternatives like soy, almond, or oat milk. If dairy is unavoidable, one should choose between low-fat or non-fat dairy options.
Processed meats
Cured meats and cold cuts contain high levels of sodium and nitrate. Nitrates are generally added for color and preservation. However, this nitrate content has been linked to complications of the lungs, such as chronic bronchitis or another chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is best to avoid deli meat as much as possible or look for variants that carry “no nitrates added” tag. Deli meats should be replaced with anti-inflammatory sources of protein such as fatty fish (like salmon, tuna, mackerel, or sardines).
Carbonated beverages
Carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide (that causes the carbonation), which can cause gas and bloating that can make it tougher for people with bronchitis to breathe. Additionally, most carbonated drinks also contain high levels of sugar, which can increase inflammation and multiply the symptoms of bronchitis. One should consider cutting down carbonated beverages such as soda and opting for other flavored beverages like tea, juice, or flavored water.