Top 6 warehousing mistakes to avoid
With the growth of mass production and the advent of online ordering, supply chain management has become more complex than ever. It has also made customers expect rapid product delivery. As a result, warehouses have become the backbone of many businesses. Good warehouse management can help businesses fulfill orders with overwhelming accuracy and a short turnaround time. So, to ensure seamless business functioning, streamlining the warehousing process and ironing out any bottlenecks is important. 1. Poor planning Planning is a non-negotiable part of running a business. One of the biggest mistakes companies make here is not taking this step seriously or following age-old practices that could be slowing the business down. To avoid this, companies must focus their efforts on ensuring that all processes are updated regularly. To do so, they can set up a schedule to meet with stakeholders once or twice a year at least to discuss what competitors are doing, evaluate current processes, and lay down the foundation for new, more efficient warehouse operations. 2. Lapses in inventory tracking Another common mistake warehouses make is keeping an inaccurate record of inventory or not keeping one at all. This could result in major losses for the business! One can steer clear of this issue by implementing a warehouse management system (WMS) at the location.