Diabetes – Understanding the early signs and trigger foods
A type of autoimmune disease, diabetes, is caused due to increased blood sugar levels of the body. This condition affects a lot of individuals as statistics suggest that there are more than 100 million people globally who have diabetes. However, despite being so widespread, diabetes is rarely caught in the initial stages. This article lists eight early warning signs of diabetes and foods to avoid to prevent the development. Reduced healing capabilities Individuals who have diabetes will also observe a decrease in their body’s healing capacity. This is because high blood sugar can affect the body’s ability to tackle wear and tear. The compromised immune system is unable to treat wounds due to the delayed response. Patches on the skin Another common sign of diabetes is acanthosis nigricans. This condition leads to dark, patchy skin in the creases of the armpits, neck, and even groin. This skin is usually soft to touch and does not cause itchiness. Numbness in the body Another early warning sign of diabetes is numbness in different parts of the body. This numbness is usually caused due to diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a condition where the nerves suffer from damage due to prolonged high blood sugar levels in the body.