Foods and beverages to avoid for healthy teeth
Following a thorough dental care routine is imperative for healthy teeth and gums. Many foods and beverages hinder oral health and cause problems like tooth decay, cavities, tooth abscess, chewing trouble, pain, and even gum diseases like gingivitis. On noticing any such tooth problems, one should alert the dentist. Depending on the symptoms, the expert may recommend treatments and other oral care tips to manage the condition and maintain healthy teeth. Worst foods and beverages for the teeth Various foods and beverages contribute to dental issues, which may cause severe discomfort if ignored. A common problem is plaque buildup, where a bacteria-filled sticky film gradually forms over the teeth. It is mainly caused due to sugary snacks, such as candy. Hence, one must ensure to avoid such foods. A few other examples are: Bread Bread might be a regular breakfast option, but it can cause tooth problems. When a person chews bread, the saliva breaks down the starch into sugar. Moreover, the bread turns into a gummy paste-like substance in the mouth, which sticks to the crevices between the teeth, causing cavities. Those who cannot do without bread may choose whole wheat varieties, as they contain fewer added sugars and do not break down easily.