9 benefits of donating to charity
As far as charity is concerned, people usually think of it in linear terms. Donations help those in need, and it’s normal to believe this is the only goal. But many people are unaware that there is so much more to the act of giving. Lending a helping hand is only one of many benefits of making charitable donations. Individuals who share their wealth may also have rewarding personal, emotional, and mental experiences. Helping those in need One of the biggest benefits of donating money is helping those in need. The world isn’t perfect or even fair, for that matter. What makes a difference is a surplus sharing with those who don’t have privileges to bank on. Providing a positive experience A National Institute of Health study found that people who chose to donate would activate the pleasure centers in their brains. While there is more research to be conducted to understand this link, sharing is an undeniably satisfying experience. Taxes are deductible Donating to charity also comes with the benefit of a tax deduction. If you’ve contributed to an IRS-approved non-profit organization, you’ll get a write-off on the donation sum while filing returns. Setting an example Donating to a local or international community allows you to set a good example for the youth in the community.