5 mistakes to avoid while driving an SUV
Even if you have a squeaky clean driving record, making some common mistakes on the road can prove costly. Given the possibility of accidents and mishaps on the road, each one of us needs to be more cautious as a driver, even when driving a relatively safe and reliable automobile like an SUV. Next time you are out on the road, avoid these five common SUV driving mistakes to ensure safety: Cutting someone off Even though your intentions may not be malicious, cutting someone off can be dangerous. It is important to be predictable while driving, so other drivers can also make more informed decisions. Cutting people off could lead to involuntary swerving, which may cause accidents. Not checking the blind spot Position the car’s mirrors in a way that you don’t have too many blind spots. A blind spot is an area on the road that is outside the driver’s field of vision. Given the sheer size of an SUV, there may be multiple blind spots. Being careful, checking your mirrors, and using advanced safety technology such as blind spot monitoring can help you avoid missing cars or people in your blind spots. Many recently launched SUVs, such as the Subaru Forester, Dodge Ram Pickup 1500, and Dodge Ram Pickup 2500, offer blind spot monitoring to help create a safer driving environment.