7 early warning signs of dementia and care options
Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses a multitude of symptoms and health conditions. It can impact a patient’s memory and cognitive functioning. Statistics provided by the World Health Organization suggest that there are more than 55 million dementia patients worldwide. Symptoms can differ from one patient to another; however, some warning signs of dementia remain common irrespective of its cause. It is more commonly seen in patients above 60 years. Short-term memory changes Issues with one’s memory are the most common and noticeable signs of dementia. These subtle changes observed in patients are often associated with their short-term memory. These changes include forgetting their tasks and the placement of items. Problem finding the right words Problem with communication of thoughts or the inability to find the right words to express one’s thoughts is a common sign of dementia. This can lead to stopping in the middle of a sentence. Conversing with dementia patients, therefore, takes a longer time. Mood change The slightest of things can cause mood changes in dementia patients. Differences in their surroundings, disruption of routine, inability to find items, and more can make them anxious, upset, agitated, or give rise to other emotions. It is one of the early warning signs of dementia.