5 bad habits that can damage teeth
Oral health is an important part of health, so one must keep their teeth and gums clean and watch out for unusual changes. In most cases, poor oral hygiene can be easy to observe through signs like persistent bad breath. Further, some bad habits can harm the teeth and pose health risks. Even a seemingly harmless action, like biting your nails, can be a bad idea. So, here are a few habits to avoid: Chewing on ice After drinking a cold beverage, many may get used to crunching on the ice at the bottom. Though it might seem completely harmless, it can cause immense damage to the teeth. Every time you munch on ice, you risk chipping the enamel—the outermost layer of the teeth. Enamel wear can leave the teeth unprotected and can prove to be painful, requiring treatment and immediate care. Brushing too hard People who brush their teeth too hard risk irritating their gums. This can lead to problems like receding gums and erosion of tooth enamel. So, experts recommend choosing a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent brushing your teeth too hard. Additionally, you must brush your teeth in wide yet gentle strokes to keep them clean.