High-risk cancer foods to avoid
A healthy diet is one of the essentials of living an illness-free lifestyle, including lowering your risk of cancer. Understanding nutrition is essential if you are either managing this illness or trying to avoid it. Speak to a doctor in detail to know why these following foods should be avoided to reduce the risk of cancer. If you are managing your symptoms, you can also read about immunotherapy that may be helpful for your recovery. Processed meats These are primarily red meats like hot dogs, salami, sausage, corned beef, beef jerky, and ham. These meats are preserved using smoke, curing, salting, and canning and these processes can create carcinogens in the food. Several reviews suggest that over-consumption of processed meat is related to breast, stomach, and colorectal cancer. Fried foods According to research, a compound called acrylamide is formed when starchy ingredients are cooked in high temperatures, and this compound is responsible for damaging DNA and causing the death of cells. As over-consumption of fried foods can lead to obesity and risk of diabetes, it also increases oxidative stress in the body. These unhealthy reactions in the body may increase the risk of cancer. Alcohol The liver in the body breaks down alcohol into a compound called acetaldehyde.