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Some common and uncommon signs of schizophrenia that shouldn’t be ignored

Some common and uncommon signs of schizophrenia that shouldn’t be ignored

The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 24 million people suffer from schizophrenia . It often surfaces during late adolescence and the twenties, and men are more prone to it than women. The condition is usually attributed to significantly distressed personal or professional life. People with schizophrenia have an increased mortality risk due to chronic health issues. Thus, it is necessary to recognize its symptoms for proper diagnosis and cure . Some of these include


This is one of the most commonly recognized symptoms of schizophrenia . A person is said to be hallucinating when they claim to see, hear, taste, or feel things that are not present in their real environment. Auditory hallucinations or hearing voices is the most common state of hallucinations. Those with this condition will claim that they hear voices inside their heads. These voices may comment on their behavior, make criticizing remark, or even communicate with the person. These hallucinations can happen even when a person is fully awake and is not inebriated.


Delusions are regarded as beliefs that a schizophrenic person may possess that are difficult to comprehend and, at times, feel strange. There are different types of delusions that people may feel

  • Referential delusion: This is when a person believes that any public communication, be it a song or a news item, is meant exclusively to them.
  • Persecutory delusion: Patients will feel someone stalking, framing, or attempting to hurt them.
  • Somatic delusions: This makes patients believe that they suffer from unnatural health conditions.
  • Grandiose delusions happen when schizophrenia patients believe themselves to be prominent world figures such as renowned politicians or actors.

Unusual Movements

An uncommon symptom of schizophrenia , this leads to the patient making abrupt, silly, or childish movements. Since an objective/goal doesn’t direct their behaviour, the patient may be unable to control their body movements. Some examples of such unusual movements include assuming a bizarre posture, having a complete lack of response, or making excessive or disconnected movements.

Disorganized Speech or Thinking

Patients with schizophrenia often exhibit this symptom. Disorganized speech and thinking are interrelated and may lead to ineffective communication, especially in social settings. For instance, you may ask the patient a question and get a completely unrelated answer. Or, they may put together some unrelated words that are difficult to comprehend.

Flat Emotions

Another unusual symptom of schizophrenia is ‘flattening’ or flat emotions and expressions. The patient may have a flat-sounding voice or facial expressions.

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